2022 Volunteers of the Year!

Meet our 2022 Volunteers of the Year!  We are grateful to all of our volunteer nature interpreters who welcome visitors to the Nature Centre, and we especially want to recognize this amazing team of five – Dorothy Marshall, Kathy Coster, Gail Mitchell, Judy Wilson (all pictured here), and Jane Douglas – who all came, and continue to come, to share their knowledge and welcoming smiles with Nature Centre visitors week after week, sunshine, rain or snow, throughout 2022. and now into the new year. We couldn’t have done it without them!

Interested in Volunteering at the Centre?
If you care about our watersheds and our estuary and want to contribute, we’d love to welcome you to our volunteer team.  You don’t need to be an expert.  We’ll give you an orientation, access to resources, and pair you up with an experienced volunteer for at least two shifts at the Centre (more if you like) to meet and get to know the creatures in the aquarium and observation tank and learn the ropes. We’d love to expand our team right now so we can also expand our weekend open hours and allow more people to learn about this magical and sensitive estuarine ecosystem starting in mid-March.  Volunteers are also invited to participate in fun restoration events accessible to a range of ability levels.  Contact our Administrative Coordinator alison@cowichanestuary.ca or our wonderful volunteer VolunteerCoordinator Gail Mitchell at gail.mitch44@gmail.com

And don’t forget to come by for a visit!

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