New Volunteer Spotlight: Julia Saurazas

Happy New Year! To celebrate this new year, we’d like to recognize one of our new volunteers to join the Nature Centre family. Julia Saurazas is originally from Windsor, ON, but moved to Duncan this Fall. Julia is as adventurous as she is curious, working and volunteering abroad for over 25 years, now doing humanitarian work with ‘Doctors Without Borders’.

Julia also plays flute and loves baking cheesecakes!
A life-long volunteer, Julia thinks volunteering is an important way to give back to the community in which you live – and admits it’s a good way to make new friends, too! She loves wildlife, nature, and being near the water, so naturally the Nature Centre drew her in.


Her favourite holidays now include going into jungles, and although she appreciates the large animals, she also goes in search of smaller creatures such as bats, frogs, chameleons, and more.

We’re so happy to have you join the Nature Centre team, Julia! Thank you for bringing your enthusiasm and love of nature.

If you are interested in volunteering at the Nature Centre, contact us here or email us!

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