At Cowichan Estuary Nature Centre, we think…
Spring Break is Special.
A day in the life of a camper, is hard to beat.
And that is why we wanted to make sure your kids have another chance to get outdoors and soak up the beauty and joy that nature exploration has to offer.
This spring break we are soaring high with two fun filled days lead by our amazing educator, and ornithology expert – that is right for all you bird lovers we have our first bird expert camp instructor! Your kids will come home tweeting, and hooting new bird calls!
Campers will explore the life of pollinators, shoreline plants, intertidal species and coastal birds, practice their discovery skills, expression of gratitude and respect for self and others through play.
Registration is open now!
March 12, Ages 5-7 – FULL TAKING WAIT LIST
Custom interpretive programs are available for almost any group of people. Use the contact form or telephone (250) 597-2288 to discuss your needs.
For our full event Calendar, see our Coming Events page for details.
Details and Fees
Camp fees are $45 per child for one day.
All Camps run from 9:00 am to 4:00 pm. You may drop off your child between 8:45 am and 9 am.
As our camp leaders are busy setting up for the day, we cannot offer early drop off or late pick up. Parents will be charged late fees for not adhering to drop of and pick up times.
All camp participants must to be able to eat, dress and toilet independently. For children with special needs, contact to discuss possible accommodations.
How to Register
Registration is a two-step process:
- Go to Eventbrite, select a camp, sign up, and make payment. Payment can be through a credit card on Eventbrite or cash/cheque dropped off at the Cowichan Land Trust office.
Download and complete the required registration information and return by March 6th:– email to,– in person or mail to the Cowichan Land Trust at #5-55 Station Street, Duncan BC, V9L 1M2
– or at the Cowichan Estuary Nature Centre at 1845 Cowichan Bay Rd, Open Hours Thursday-Sunday 12-4
IMPORTANT: Your registration is not considered complete until we have received the medical information and waiver forms.
Questions? Contact Or phone: 250-597-2288